Celeste Astronomy School
Celeste Astronomy School Details
Astrophile Education Services is excited to announce the start of another edition of online astronomy workshop series “Celeste Astronomy School” to be conducted every month. The 5 day camp will be conducted during the after school hours from Monday to Friday covering a wide range of topics with overall understanding of the sky and related topics. The topics and content has been designed keeping “Middle School Students” (grade 5-8) and for “Senior School Students” (grade 9-12). A Certificate of Participation will be sent to all the students who attend the workshop.
The topics to be covered are:
- Eyes in Space.
- Eclipses.
- Night Sky Tonight.
- The science of Orbits.
- Introduction to Telescopes.
Participation Fee: The registration fee for the program is INR 600/- per student. The program will be conducted online and we are using ZOOM platform for the same. All you need to do is to create a login on ZOOM under their free membership program (if you do not already have one). The registration process will be incomplete until the completely filled form and registration amount does not reach us. For payment, scan the QR code on the right.
Timing of the Batch: For Middle school Students: 03:00 PM – 4:30 PM, Monday – Friday.
For Senior School Students: 05:00 PM – 6:30 PM, Monday – Friday.
- Last date for registration is March 19 , 2022. Details of the joining link will be shared on the registered email id on March 20, late evening.
For any query, please contact us here.
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