World Space Week 2020

World Space Week 2024 Events details

We received overwhelming response for the event. We are taking time selecting some submissions for highlighting here. Please if you do not see your submission, then do not feel bad. Soon we will add more submissions to the list. Please visit here to see some of the entries received.

What is World Space Week?

World Space Week is an international week long annual celebration of science and technology and their contribution to the betterment of the human conditions. The UN General Assembly declared in 1999 that WSW will be celebrated each year from October 4-10. The two dates mark two historic achievements:

October 4, 1957: Launch of the first man-made satellite Suptnik 1, thus opening the space exploration for mankind.

October 10, 1967: The signing of the treaty on Principals governing the activities of states in the exploration of Peaceful User of Outer Space, including the Moon and other celestial bodies.

How is Astrophile Education celebrating WSW?

At Astrophile Education, we have created several competitions, events, observations opportunities for students to showcase their skills and passion towards the cosmos. The list of the same can be read below.

The schools can hold virtual programs, in their capacity to participate in the global celebrations of the event. Astrophile will extend all the possible support to the students and schools in achieving this goal.

For year 2024, we are collaborating with Prime Ministers Museum and Library and Nehru Planetarium for some of our events.

How this project will unfold?

The project is a citizen science project which means anyone can participate. All you have to do it to go out at a given time and look at the sky and identify a constellation in the sky. Count the number of stars you can see and report. Also you should know your location of observation, sky conditions, apparent light condition in the surrounding, and so on. All this data needs to be input in the form below.

More participation will mean more data. The data will be collected in a form and hence will be accumulated over a period of time. We expected to collect over 10,00,000 data points in next 5 years from across the country. Each data point will be filtered and assessed for a subjective sky quality study creating a map of light pollution from around the country. Once the report is compiled, the same will be studied for anomalies and corrected if anything is found.

When will the celebrations start?

The celebrations will start from October 4th 2024 and will continue till October 10th 2024. Each day a new event will be carried on and the students can participate in the program for FREE. There are no entry charges for the event and all you have to do is to register yourself for the event and send in your submissions.

Where can you participate?

You can participate in this project right here on this portal. The website will have all the details as to how and when to participate and what all is required for the participation. All you need to do is to be a students, studying in an Indian school. All you have to do is to submit the form on the right and select in which event would you like to participate and we will share the details with you over email. Remember the participation is FREE of cost.

Events and details:

  1. October 04, 2024: On the Opening day, Friday, we are going to organise an Essay Writing competition. The students will have to write an essay in 2,000 words or less and email us the same in pdf or JPEG format. You can use your computer to type the essay or write it on paper and take an image (should be readable) and send it to us. 
  2. October 05, 2024: On the Second day, Saturday, we are going to organise a Drawing/painiting competition. The students will be given a concept and they have to draw/sketch/paint something on the topic. You can send in your paintings to us digitally or physically via courier to us.
  3. October 06, 2024: On the Third day, Sunday, we are going to organise a Poem/Song Writing competition. Space is empty and a bit of music/rhyming does not hurt. This way we will all get something exciting to enjoy mid week. The song/poem can be typed/hand-written and shared with us.
  4. October 07, 2024: On the Fourth day, Monday, we are going to organise a Debate Competition. The students participate in debate on the theme of World Space Week 2024: Space & Climate Change.
  5. October 08, 2024: On the Fifth day, Tuesday, we are going to organise an Podcast on the theme of World Space Week 2024: Space & Climate Change. The participating students will have to submit their podcast based on parameters shared with the registered participants.
  6. October 09, 2024: On the Sixth day, Wednesday, we are going to organise an Evening Skywatch Event. The event will be conducted at Nehru Planetarium New Delhi. Students and parents are welcome to join in this program.
  7. October 10, 2024: On the Last day, Thursday, we are going to organise an Astronomy Quiz Competition. The students will have to take part in the quiz and the details of the same will be shared with the registered participants.
The registration for the events will start at 00:01 AM on September 20th and will end on October 9th at 11:59 PM (both days included). The topics are mentioned in the document for which the link is below. The submissions will be accepted via the email or sharing on google drive. The submission dates notified for all the events. Astronomy-Quiz will be taken at the same time for which the registered participant will be notified about the time. The email to be used for all communications will be
To read more details about the event and activities, please visit here.