club Curriculum Series

Astrophile “Science & Astronomy Curriculum Series” is a set of Science and astronomy concepts carefully designed and developed for delivering in to the classroom environment like any other curriculum. The topics are not only interrelated but also the understanding of one concept helps in learning the other concepts easy.

It consists of indoor, outdoor and out of school activities for divided over 9 days, 24 sessions. A kit complementing the learning in the classroom is provided to each and every student. The club runs on the concept of “I DO – I Learn“.

For list and details about the workshops and their prices, please contact us here.

Astrophiler's Club - Online Series

The quality of Astronomy club with the convenience of learning from anywhere is what makes Astrophiler’s Club a special program introduced by our educators for all astronomy enthusiasts out there. The program is independent of any school, and hence anyone can participate in this program and learn. 

The online club is just like an annual curriculum but with more convenience and direct interaction with the educators rather than involving the schools. With marginal fee, the students gets to learn all the things at a fraction of the cost.

Visit Astrophiler’s Club page for more details.

Astronomy Workshop Series

Astrophile “Science & Astronomy Workshop Series” or SAW series is a set of educational workshops covering topics from the world of astronomy and science. It comprises of different approaches like multimedia, observation and hands on ensuring the student learn and understand the concepts thoroughly and also observe its application in real world.

From a wide variety of topics to choose from, it widens the knowledge base of students and give them better opportunities to explore  in the future.

For list and details about the workshops and their prices, please contact us here.

School Astronomical Observatories

Want to be pioneers in astronomy education, have enough space but not enough resources, convert your school into a research facility and work towards building a scientific community where the students are involved in research at an early stage.

Build an astronomical observatory for students to get introduced to the concepts of research, equipment handling, data collection and data analysis. This way they can learn to do research and also contribute in many scientific discoveries when working smartly.

To know more, please contact us here.

Astronomy labs in School

Practical learning needs practical space. That is why today we have laboratories for almost all subjects. With Astronomy education becoming an extremely important and fascinating subject, we believe an astronomy labs in school is a must for all.

The lab consist of essential models, tools and equipments for better learning and understanding of the concepts to the students.

To know more, please contact us here.

Astronomy Centre for Excellece


Transform your school in to a powerhouse of holistic education by introducing a new and non conventional way of learning for students. Build the environment in your school around learning by doing rather than just reading and listening. The new way to explore gives your institution so many advantages that you may not even remember what it was before.

To know more, please contact us here.