Let’s Observe The Moon
Let's Observe The Moon
Invites you all
Public Night Sky Watch
“Let’s observe the Moon”
14th May 2022, 6:00 pm onwards
Event Highlights
6:00 pm to 7:00 pm
Sky theatre interaction on Moon with special reference to the upcoming lunar eclipse May 16th 2022
7:00pm onwards @ Teen Murti Lawns
Look through our Time Travelling Machine- The Telescope
Learn to identify constellation
View celestial objects like planets, nebula & Star cluster
Entry is Free, but prior registration required
No entries will be entertained without prior registration
Nehru Planetarium in close collaboration with Astrophile Education Services New Delhi intends to organize “Let’s observe the Moon” interactive session on Moon science on May 14th, 2022.
The session will begin with the sky theatre discussion on the Moon, especially insight on the upcoming lunar eclipse of May 16th, 2022, later followed by the Night skywatch at the Teen Murti Lawns.
The staff of Nehru Planetarium and Astrophile Education team will facilitate this skywatch which will help enthusiasts to observe Moon. The guided telescope session will have participants see fun observations of stars, planets, moons, nebulae, and other celestial objects at that particular time.
Astrophile Education Services is one of the pioneer groups of educators actively involved in Space Science Education. The founder member of the organization Mr. Sneh Kesari is also a Senior Amateur Astronomer who has been actively involved in Planetarium activities and also helped us in many celestial events in the past. The sky theatre interaction will begin at 6:00 pm and later be followed by the skywatch after the sunset at the Teen Murti lawns.
This event is free and no ticket is required, but prior registration is mandatory which helps us plan for attendance and we can update registered participants of inclement weather changes.